Young Reporters

Children’s views on their rights

Young Reporters (“Enfants Reporters” in French) is a participatory project of the association “30 Years of Children’s Rights”, currently carried out in partnership between Enfants du Monde and Terre des Hommes Suisse. It gives children the opportunity to express themselves on the rights that concern them and to offer their own perspectives to those around them.

With their eyes on the lens, their pens in the inkwell or their hands glued to a mixing desk, children are getting to grips with their rights in a creative way and dissecting them in their own way. Video, photo, radio, written or spoken reports, children in Switzerland and around the world have carte blanche to make their voices heard and to look at these famous rights from different angles.

Young Reporters gives children in French-speaking Switzerland and in developing countries – girls and boys, regardless of their origin, age, religion or legal status – the opportunity to express themselves on subjects of their choice related to their rights, and to be heard by decision-makers and stakeholders in the field.

In this way, Enfants du Monde aims to contribute to changing mentalities by highlighting children’s observations and comments on the reality, respect and application of children’s rights in Switzerland and around the world.

The project also enables children to acquire, develop and mobilise new skills (of expression, representation, critical analysis, etc.) relating to the full exercise of their rights.

Following the success of the 2019 edition, Enfants du Monde and Terre des Hommes Suisse have been commissioned by the Neuchâtel Adult and Youth Protection Service to carry out this project with classes in the canton, as part of the 10mois10droits campaign.

Sophia, Young Reporter

Participating in the Enfants Reporters project was a great and very inspiring experience. It allowed me to meet other young girls, from Mexico and the Philippines, who are working to defend their rights in their country, and we were able to share our experiences together.

Contact us

Public education departments, youth promotion and protection services, neighborhood centers and all institutions working for the defense of children’s rights are invited to contact our team at for more information on this programme.