Bilingual education
In 2022

children benefited from a quality education

teachers were trained to our pedagogy

trainers were trained
Improving the quality of basic education
Since 2017, Enfants du Monde has been working both with the Ministry of National Education, Literacy and Promotion of National Languages of Burkina Faso, and with our association’s local partners to improve the quality of education in a sustainable way in about 10% of bilingual public schools by training teachers and by designing teaching materials.
Our impact
In 2021 and 2024 :
- 9,040 students will have access to 34 bilingual primary schools with support from Enfants du Monde ;
- 166 teachers, 34 schools directors will receive training in active teaching methodologies ;
- 30 teacher trainers will receive continuing education ;
- 170 members of schools management committees ( including parents) will receive support from Enfants du Monde.
- 94,5% of children attending the schools we support reach the final year of primary school (at national level only 56% complete their education)
Pictures of the project
Financial partners

My donation makes a difference
For example :
With 70 francs:
I offer 8 Burkina Faso children a bilingual schoolbook in French and Mooré, which will enable them to better progress.
With 150 francs:
I offer ongoing training in bilingual teaching to 5 teachers in Burkina Faso, in order to improve the quality of their teaching.