About us


year Paul Chaudet, president of the Swiss Confederation, founded our association


education, health, and children’s right specialists at our head offices and in the field


offices in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Guatemala, and Chad

Who are we ?

Enfants du Monde is a Swiss NGO based in Geneva. As we firmly believe that a country’s economic development can only be achieved through quality education and a healthy population, we have been specializing in primary education, maternal and child health, and education for sustainable development, for over 50 years. Institution such as the World Health Organisation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation acknowledge our expertise. We have been certified by ZEWO (Swiss quality label for NGOs) since 1971.

© Enfants du monde

Our mission

We promote sustainable development by advocating for the observance and implementation of children’s rights in Switzerland and the rest of the world.

We train education and health-care staff, we involve the local authorities and population, and we contribute to more relevant health and education policies.

We promote sustainable development by advocating for the observance and implementation of children’s rights in Switzerland and the rest of the world.

© Enfants du monde

Our impact

In 2022 :

  • 690 800 students, of which 38% were girls, benefited from our health programmes
  • 329 244 women, infants and children benefited from our health programmes
  • 19 376 educators were trained in our teaching methods
  • 4 334 health workers were trained to take better care of patients
  • 10 countries had the support of our programmes

Gouvernance and statutes

Enfants du Monde is a Swiss non-profit association.
The Committee is elected annually by the General Assembly and is the governing body of the association. It also appoints the Secretary General who oversees the proper functioning of the team at the Geneva head offices and is in charge of the regional coordination offices and the programmes. The Secretary General is the strategic leader of the association, responsible for preparing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating programmes in close cooperation with our local partners.


Expertise and cooperation for projects with sustainable impact

In order to ensure durable and relevant programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, we prepare our projects in cooperation with local partners and beneficiaries. Such collaborative approach and the well-recognised expertise of our education and health specialists, allows us to enhance the skills and know-how of agents and institutions from the education and health sectors of the countries where we operate, contributing thus to a long-term impact.

For instance, we train executive officials of the Health and Education Ministries, teaching staff and health-care workers.

What makes us different 
  • Designed to last: we ensure the continuity of our projects by strengthening the skills and deepening the know-how of the national education and health institutions, of local NGOs and the population
  • In-depth knowledge of the field: we do not send personnel to the field and our local teams are nationals from the countries where we operate
  • Our expertise: a team of specialists experienced in public health and education sciences applies our unique teaching know-how
  • Cooperation: we co-design all our projects with the beneficiaries we support so that they may autonomously implement their own transformation in the long run;
  • Efficiency: pilot projects are first tested and then implemented at a larger scale once their impact has proven to be effective
  • Leverage: we ensure sustainable education and health practices by training key people both in ministries and locally
  • Quality: we implement projects designed to have a guaranteed impact, and we are recognised as reliable partners by international cooperation agents, donors and local agents

Read more about our organisation


Our teams

Meet our team at our head offices in Geneva and at our offices in Bangladesh, Burkina Fasi, Guatemala and Chad.

Meet our Committee members and the volunteers who provide priceless support.

Our partners and networks

We cooperate with local partners, governments, universities and international organisations in order to achieve long-lasting results.

We also rely on the crucial support of our financial partners.

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Our goodwill ambassadors

These kind-hearted public figures, artists and sportsmen and women volunteer to work with us and to promote our association’s projects.

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Working for Enfants du Monde

Do you wish to work to improve children’s education and health? Take a look at our employment offers and volunteering opportunities.

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Frequently asked questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions about our association.

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My donation makes a difference

For example :

With 70 francs

I provide bilingual school manuals in French and Mooré (the local language) for 8 children in Burkina Faso, enabling them to make better progress at school.

With 140 francs

I allow for 250 pregnant women in Bangladesh to receive training preparing them for childbirth and the risks related to giving birth.

With 200 francs

I fund a continuing education training in bilingual education for 10 teachers in Guatemala, to improve the quality of their lessons.

Stay informed

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive news about our association and learn more about our programmes.

At the moment, the newsletter is only available in German or French.