El Salvador

Maternal and neonatal health

De 2017 à 2021

236 511

women and babies supported

267 575

newborns were cared for

4 422

health care staff have been trained

Enfants du Monde does not currently have any ongoing project in El Salvador.

© Enfants du monde

We are contributing to a better health policy

In the past, the Ministry of Health in El Salvador focused exclusively on reinforcing health services.

The fact that health centres might be hard to reach due to, among other factors, limited means of transport was rarely taken into account. Moreover, the State also attached little importance to the health awareness of women and their families. Most of them are not fully aware of warning signs during pregnancy and are therefore unable to take measures to prevent them.

Since the launch of the Enfants du Monde health programme in El Salvador, the number of maternal deaths has decreased significantly in the eight participating municipalities. And the reason for this lies in the approach to healthcare promoted by our Swiss NGO.


Convinced by the results achieved through our approach at local level, the Ministry of Health in El Salvador  requested Enfants du Monde’s help to incorporate Enfants du Monde’s approach at national level. Our Swiss NGO has therefore worked with the Ministry of Health in El Salvador to determine the best way to incorporate our approach into its healthcare strategy and to introduce it nationally.

© Enfants du monde

Hans Haldimann, Journalist, Swiss television :

I was impressed by the way Enfants du Monde and its partner organisations have managed to ensure that pregnant women are less fearful about visiting the clinic and giving birth there. Until now, women only delivered at home. This caused a high maternal and newborn mortality.

Our impact
  • Around 500,000 pregnant women, young mothers and babies countrywide benefit from our health programme.
  • At information sessions, pregnant women and their families are taught how to recognise danger signs during pregnancy.
  • Continuous education is offered to healthcare workers.
  • Taxi drivers or police guarantee emergency transport to the hospital if an ambulance is not available.
  • Healthcare workers throughout the country are trained to implement the health approach promoted by Enfants du Monde.

Enfants du Monde works in partnership with the Ministry of Health in El Salvador, the Pan American Health Organisation and the World Health Organization.

My donation makes a difference

For example  :

With 70 francs  :

I’m donating a bilingual textbook in French and Mooré (the local language) to 8 children in Burkina Faso to help them make better progress at school.

With 150 francs 

I’m helping 250 pregnant women in Bangladesh to prepare for the birth of their baby and the risks associated with childbirth.

With 200 francs

I’m funding in-service training in bilingual education for 10 teachers in Guatemala to improve the quality of their lessons.