Bequests and legacies

Do something good for future generations

You may not have thought about it yet, but the assets you have today could make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children tomorrow. After thinking about your family and loved ones, you can leave part of your estate to Enfants du Monde or name our NGO as your heir in your will.

Even 1% of your inheritance can make a lasting difference in the lives of children and women in need!

Leave a legacy or include Enfants du Monde in your will

Thanks to its charitable status, legacies, and bequests received by Enfants du Monde are 100% exempt from inheritance tax. In this way, your support will be entirely allocated to our projects and will benefit disadvantaged children and women in the countries where we work.


Drawing up a will to leave a legacy to a cause close to your heart 

If you wish to leave part of your estate to a cause close to your heart, such as Enfants du Monde, for example, it is essential to draw up a will to make your final wishes official.

On behalf of the children and women who will benefit, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


How do you draw up your will?

The different types of will

There are two main types of will:

Holograph wills

This is the simplest way of defining your last wishes.

You should write it out entirely by hand, including the exact date on which it was drawn up, and sign it.

In a holograph will, you should mention all the people and/or organizations to whom you wish to leave part of your inheritance, giving as much information as possible, such as their full name and address, and the share of your inheritance that is intended for them.

It is essential that the will contain the following information:

-The title “Will”

-The identity of the testator, i.e. first name, surname, place, and date of birth

-The revocation of any previous wills (if any)

-The testamentary provisions: alternatively or cumulatively, it is possible to bequeath a specific asset or amount. In this case, it is necessary to state precisely which property or which amount (or percentage) is to be passed on to which person (individual or legal entity) and to indicate the contact details of the persons designated as heirs. For Enfants du Monde, please specify: the association Enfants du Monde, route de Ferney 150, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex

-The name of the executor of the will, if you have chosen one

-The place, year, month, and day on which the document was drawn up

-The testator’s signature at the bottom of the will, to cover its entire contents. It is important that the testator indicates his first name(s) and surname and uses his usual signature, to leave no doubt as to the testator’s identity.

The public will

To draw up a public will, you must call on the services of a public officer or a notary and be in the presence of two witnesses. He will draw up your last wishes, have them signed by your witnesses and keep the signed document. Please note: your witnesses cannot be among your legal heirs or listed as beneficiaries in your will.

You can deposit your will free of charge in your commune of residence.

Subject to the prescribed formalities, you may change, revoke or destroy your will at any time.

Here are some standard formulas that you can use if you wish to include Enfants du Monde in your will:

  • For an inheritance: “After payment of all hereditary shares, I wish to divide the remaining assets as follows: 50% to X (First name) Y (Last name), and 50% to the association Enfants du Monde, route de Ferney 150, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex.”
  • For a bequest: “I bequeath to the association Enfants du Monde, route de Ferney 150, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex the sum of CHF 1,000.”

Enfants du Monde, a trusted NGO for your legacy

Enfants du Monde is proud to have been Zewo-certified since 1971. This label is awarded to organizations and institutions that manage the donations they receive transparently and efficiently. By choosing to make a bequest to our Swiss NGO, you can be sure that your support will benefit children and mothers in need and improve their access to education and healthcare in the long term.


Request our bequests and legacies brochure

    Our commitments
    • Use your legacy or inheritance transparently and wisely. Of every CHF 100, CHF 88 goes directly to our projects in the field.
    • Do our utmost to honor your specific requests regarding the allocation of your support to a particular project or country
    • Meet with you in complete confidentiality if you wish, at a location of your choice, so that together we can see how we can improve the future of disadvantaged children and mothers thanks to your estate
    • Enable you to find out more about our organization by giving you a privileged insight into our programs
    • Refer you to a trusted notary for advice

    Maïmouna Hamound, student, Niger

    When I was 13, a man came to ask for my hand in marriage. My mother agreed, but I didn’t want to get married. Now my mother is proud of me. She knows that if I get a job, I’ll find a husband very easily. But that’ll come later after I’ve finished my studies.

    Revised Swiss inheritance law from 1 January 2023, what does it change?

    Swiss law lays down clear and well-defined rules for the division of an estate within the country.

    For example, it provides for a minimum reserve to be left to the legal heirs, known as the reserved portion.

    The legal heirs are your partner (husband, wife, or registered partner) and your next of kin (your children or, if you have none, your parents or even your grandparents). In the event of inheritance, it is therefore not possible to bequeath all your assets to third parties to the detriment of your legal heirs. The free share does, however, allow you to include other people close to your heart and charitable organizations in your will.

    If the deceased did not make a will, the estate is distributed by Swiss law. All assets are allocated exclusively to the legal heirs, and if there are none, the estate is paid in full to the State.

    On 1 January 2023, several changes were made to inheritance law in Switzerland.

    From now on, descendants will only be entitled to half of the legal share of inheritance, instead of the current ¾, and parents will no longer be entitled to their full share of inheritance.

    These changes allow you to dispose freely of a larger proportion of your assets.

    Jérémy Carrat, inheritance lawyer, answers all your questions about the implications of the reform of inheritance law.

    To take stock of your estate and find out how your inheritance will be distributed, take the estate check here (in German). In this way, you will know how much of your estate is reserved for you and how much you can leave to your loved ones or organizations such as Enfants du Monde.

    We would be most grateful if you would consider including our Swiss NGO in your will. Your support will help the children and pregnant women who are at the heart of our projects.

    We would be most grateful if you would consider including our Swiss NGO in your will. Your support will help the children and pregnant women who are at the heart of our projects.

    Your contact legs & bequests

    Would you like to leave a legacy or include Enfants du Monde in your will?

    Gaëlle Cuillerot, Legacy and Communications Manager is available to answer your questions with complete discretion and confidentiality.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Phone. : +41 22 798 88 86

    Email :

    My legacy makes a difference

    For example :

    With a bequest of 500 francs

    I am donating medical equipment to healthcenters in Nepal to provide quality care for pregnant women and their newborn babies

    With a bequest of 1’000 francs

    I am providing ongoing training in maternal and child health for 50 health workers in Bangladesh.

    With a bequest of 50’000 francs

    I am supporting an education project in Niger that will enable 700 pupils to go to school and build 5 schools for children who have never been to school.

    Stay informed

    Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive news about our association and learn more about our programmes.

    At the moment, the newsletter is only available in German or French.