Burkina Faso

©Enfants du monde

In 2022

74 398

pupils received quality education

281 696

pregnant women and babies benefited from monitoring

5 717

educational and health workers were trained

The country’s issues

We have been working in Burkina Faso for over 30 years and are currently running several projects to improve the health of mothers and babies and primary education.

Burkina Faso is one of the most disadvantaged countries in the world : 44% of its population living below the poverty line with an income below US$1,90 per day.

The neonatal mortality rate is high, with 27 deaths per 100 live births, one of the worst in Subsaharian Africa.

Since 2016, the country has also had to deal with frequent attacks by armed groups in almost all of its territory, with severe consequences for the schooling of children and for access to healthcare.

Our impact

  • 9’040 students have access to 34 bilingual primary schools with support from Enfants du Monde
  • More than 80’000 displaced and vulnerable children in a safe and protective learning environment
  • More than 6’500 children and teenagers were enrolled in 100 informal schools from 2013 to 2016
  • 98 903 pregnant women received a childbirth and emergency preparedness card in 2022

Adissa Bansé Midwife, Burkina Faso

The number of consultations has increased following our training: seven couples out of ten continue to come to postnatal consultations. This is very important for the mother’s and the newborn’s health.

Our projects in Burkina Faso

Bilingual education in public schools

Improving the quality of basic education.

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Education in emergency

Educating displaced children victims of the security crisis.

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Informal learning education

Offering a second chance to out-of-school children.

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Maternal and child health

Enfants du Monde runs several projects aimed at improving the quality of health services and access to care.

Read more

Contact our team

In Burkina Faso
Enfants du Monde
Sahelian Africa Coordination Office
01 BP 1793 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso

Tougma Téné SANKARA, regional coordinator
Phone. +226 25 36 08 46

In Switzerland
Enfants du Monde
Route de Ferney 150, CP 2100
1211 Genève 2, Suisse
Phone : +41 22 798 88 81

Sébastien BLAT, Program Manager Education
Mouna AL AMINE, Program Manager Health

My donation makes a difference

For example :

With 70 francs:

I offer a brochure about birth preparation and emergencies to 250 pregnant women and young mothers in Burkina Faso.

With 100 francs:

I offer 232 women in Burkina Faso the app My baby and I, to help them monitor their pregnancy and recognise danger signs for themselves and their babies.

With 150 francs:

I offer 17 Burkina Faso children a bilingual schoolbook in French and Mooré (the local language), which will enable them to better progress.