Health project in Haiti – 2017 à 2020

Maternal and neonatal health

De 2017 à 2020

36 487

women and babies benefiting

6 566

newborns received essential care at birth


health care staff have been trained

Enfants du Monde does not currently have an ongoing health project in Haïti.

We train healthcare staff

In Haïti, when a pregnant woman has a health problem, she will first seek help from traditional healers before going to a health centre. Unfortunately, many women die as a result of these traditional remedies. They die because they did not receive appropriate health care in time.

Enfants du Monde helps kids escape poverty

In many cases, these deaths are due to complications which could have been easily remedied if the woman had gone directly to a health centre to be seen by a qualified health worker.

Enfants du Monde’s health programme in Haiti therefore aims to improve care for pregnant women, mothers and their babies. To do this, our Swiss NGO meets with local communities to identify the main problems of access to healthcare and to find solutions together.

Midwives have also been recruited to improve the medical care of pregnant women and mothers.

© Slawomir Plata

Stéphanie Joseph, Midwife, Haiti

Since I was hired, prenatal consultations have increased and more women have come to the health centre to give birth. I’ve decided to be a midwife because it is a rewarding job, and I like helping people in difficulty. II advise pregnant women by explaining to them how to prevent complications.

Our impact

  • More than 43,000 pregnant women, young mothers and babies benefit from our health programme in Dufour and Delatte, two communities in the Petit and Grand Goâve region of Western Haiti.
  • Midwives and health workers receive training on counselling women and families on maternal and new-born health care.
  • The health project brings together health workers, traditional healers, families, and local communities in Haiti in order to find the best solutions to these problems collectively.

Enfants du Monde works in partnership with Doctors of the World Spain, local organisations, and the Ministry of Health in Haiti.

Watch the TV report of “Esprit solidaire”, broadcast on Léman Bleu on August 27, 2019, dedicated to our health project in Haiti (in French) :


Project financially supported by  :

My donation makes a difference

For example  :

With 70 francs :

I will donate a booklet on childbirth preparation and emergencies to 250 pregnant women and young mothers in Burkina Faso.

With 100 francs

I’m giving 232 women in Burkina Faso the Mon bébé et moi (My baby and me) application to monitor their pregnancy and identify danger signs for themselves and their babies.

With 150 francs :

I’m donating a bilingual textbook in French and Mooré (the local language) to 17 children in Burkina Faso to help them get ahead.
