Education mandate
In 2022

pupils benefited from quality education

teachers and trainers were trained

teaching materials were distributed
The country’s challenges
Chad is a multilingual country with over 150 national languages. At school, education is provided in the official languages, French or classical Arabic, which many children do not master.
As a result, more than half of all children drop out of school within the first 6 years, and only 1 in 5 can read and write by the end of primary school.
With an adult literacy rate of 32%, the inability or difficulty to read and write remains a predominant phenomenon and continues to affect the most disadvantaged populations.
For more than 10 years, we have been improving the country’s education system on a sustainable basis, on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Our impact
- Pupils’ results in languages and maths are up to 2 times better than in traditional schools.
- Courses are taught in two languages – the official language and the local language.
- The content of the courses is adapted to the needs and interests of the local population. For example, two stories (“Papa Vaya” and “The hyena, the monkey and the hare”) have been adapted and illustrated in French and Arabic to enable pupils to learn to write in both languages.
- The content of the courses is adapted to the needs and interests of the local population. For example, two stories (“Papa Vaya” and “The hyena, the monkey and the hare”) have been adapted and illustrated in French and Arabic to enable pupils to learn to write in both languages.
- We build fully equipped schools, as well as toilets and water points. Pilot schools have been opened in nomadic areas.
Fotina Mirayam, Trainer, Chad
Since we have formed the teachers on this new pedagogical approach, we have observed that students participate more, learn better and parents are more involved.

Financial partners

My donation makes a difference
I am donating a bilingual textbook in French and Mooré (the local language) to 8 children in Burkina Faso to help them make better progress at school.
I am helping 250 pregnant women in Bangladesh to prepare for the birth of their baby and the risks associated with childbirth.
I am funding in-service training in bilingual education for 10 teachers in Guatemala to improve the quality of their lessons.